art in TRTF SAGA

Talk about The Return to Freddy's

Re drew sugar because I wasn't really satisfied with my previous drawing of him,it looks a lil better imo.


I drew this map when I was in middle school. It's used in my origin project that called "New Stories".

New TRTF 3ds max render wowowowowoow

Doodles N°13 (03/31/2023)

(Click on the post for see better)

bfp the puppet

I finally arrive in that The Return to Freddy's game that's been in development for so long that it got canned after reboot after remaster to 5 to dead-

Torture Fredbear scrapped design.( from my project ATRTFS Ⅳ-The Midsummer Knight's Nightmare)

retextured trtf 2 freddy for no reason

‎ i have way too much time on my hands